Exercise: Nice To Meet You!

Share this story.

We see ourselves in such a negative light sometimes.
We can be so rude, disrespectful, and mean to ourselves. We assume that everyone who will meet us, knows us, or sees us; will not think highly of us.
Why do we think this way of ourselves? We don’t think this way of others. Most times, when we meet someone, we use words like; “nice, kind, sweet, and friendly”.
How can we see ourselves in a similar way?
It’s time to take account of our worth and how we impact others in our lives for the better. We are all inherently good people. As Father Flanagan in the 1938 movie Boys Town, says; “Every Boy is a Good Boy!”
We need to trust that others see us in our true form and that we are cared about.
Exercise: Nice To Meet You!
Let’s imagine that we walked into a party, we are walking around, smiling, nodding at others, hoping they don’t notice us too much. But then we spot someone who seems familiar. We have seen their mannerisms, facial expressions, voice, and stance before.
Who is that person?
We approach them and introduce ourselves to them. We start talking and we find ourselves smiling and chatting about familiar things. You just met yourself.
I ask people in session what their impression of themselves would be if they met at a party. More times than not, they describe themselves in a positive light. They say they are funny, kind, friendly, smart. It seems that they would enjoy that person and have warm feelings toward them.
One client had a look of confusion mixed with happiness that she realized that she would like herself at a party, and would want to spend more time together with her. The easy part, is that she is already one with her. She just needs to turn the mirror back at herself and trust the positive feelings about herself.
Let’s start seeing ourselves in a more true and positive light. That our friendliness, intelligence, and kindness, will show through.
Make more positive self statements, as if we just met. Have a kind smile using a pleasant, open tone when speaking to ourselves.