How Therapy Can Help In These Tumultuous Times

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During this uncertain time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all confronted with the unknown and are reacting in a variety of ways. These reactions can range from minimal concern to full blown panic. Somewhere in between, we might find ourselves feeling a mixture of frustration, fear, anxiety, isolation, and helplessness. We are all looking for someone to trust to tell us what to do and how to do it.
The Effects of Social Distancing
This could be an opportunity for us to grow as individuals, couples, and families. Our reaction patterns have been challenged, as our normal outlets (e.g. going to the gym or going out with friends), have been diminished due to social distancing. This can cause
us to feel a sense of loss and emptiness. Now we have new questions for ourselves: “What can I do instead?”, “What can I change?” Now, the question of what we have control over is upon us. We have been encouraged to do things that don’t feel normal or socially acceptable.
We have learned the new term social distancing — keeping 6 feet apart from others. But we need to be careful to make the distinction between social distancing and social isolation.
In times like this, it’s especially important to stay socially connected. After all, we are all in this together.
Please stay in touch with each other. Technology makes it easy for us to connect. There has never been a more forgiving time for social networking on our phones and computers. Call people you know and care about to touch base, send text messages with encouraging emojis, or write and share a poem to lift another’s spirits. The smallest gestures, acts of kindness, go a long way in times of isolation and uncertainty.
At Exhale, We Are Here For You
We all need someone we can lean on, depend on, and express our fears to.
At Exhale Behavioral Health, you can find that professional support.
We have full flexibility now. We can meet using our phones and computers, whichever way makes you feel that you are in control
and have a safe place to talk. This can be your home, car, or outdoors. Now, more than ever, is the right time to push forward in your therapeutic process.
There are a lot of overwhelming feelings that we all may be experiencing at this time of uncertainty. Feelings of fear, anxiety, stress, loss and grief, anger, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, feeling alone, loss of identity due to not working, not being able to be close to family, having spiritual doubts, and powerlessness.
These are some of the issues that clients have been working with me on during sessions. You may also be having similar feelings and want to explore and address them. I am here for you. Just give us a call and ask for me or any of the wonderful therapists at Exhale.